Your coworkers need you to volunteer to help with your union election!

Your coworkers need you to volunteer to help with your union election!

It will soon be time to elect your union officers (President, Vice President, etc.)! Nominations will be accepted at the April 30 Membership Meeting, and Election Day is tentatively scheduled for Monday May 27.

To run the election democratically your local needs at least 11 volunteers to help out on election day.

Please volunteer by emailing as soon as possible with the email subject ‘election volunteer.’

Volunteers will receive an honourarium (money). The amount will be decided by members who attend the April 18 membership meeting.

Volunteer roles are: Election Officer, Election Officer Assistants, and Polling Clerks.

To be an election volunteer, you may not be a current Trustee or Interim-executive position, and you may not be a candidate in the election yourself.

Please email me at the email above if you have questions.