Special Membership Meeting- April 3

Location: In-person: Auditorium A/B; Virtual:

NEW: To attend virtually REGISTER here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZErdu2qqDgsEteq4xSaOGGeKr5o7yfJiWH6

This will be a special meeting with the following specific

  1. Vote to purchase computers to replace the old one which no longer works
  2. Nominate delegates for:
    • CUPE Ontario Convention, May 29 – June 2, 6 delegates
    • OCHU Health and Safety Conference, June 11-12, 4 delegates
  3. Nominate interim worker representatives for the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee:
    • There are two vacancies.
    • The term will be until the Local has elected a Health and Safety Chair in accordance with its bylaws and that person has appointed the worker representatives to the JOHSC in accordance with Section 16(b)(1) of the Local’s Bylaws.
  4. Vote to have the Stewards Committee temporarily act as the Social Committee
  5. Vote to approve a budget for the Social Committee

If you cannot attend the meeting but wish to be nominated. You must write down your name and the position you would like and have the paper signed (witnessed) by another member. Then a member must bring that signed piece of paper to the meeting for you and give it to the Chair. Or, you can email okeresztesi@cupe.ca before 8am April 3, and copy another member on the email.

CHANGE OF DATE: If there are more nominees than positions, then elections for the delegate and JOHSC representatives will be held at the Membership Meeting April 18 2024. (previously schedule for April 8 2024)

CHANGE: Bargaining Team Elections: March 12 and 13

It’s time to elect your bargaining teams to bargain the local provisions of your collective agreements.

Your bargaining team members will be elected at special virtual bargaining unit meetings, on the following dates and times.


IMPORTANT UPDATE: The bargaining team election meetings will now take place over Motion Meetings instead of Zoom. 

Zoom is not able to ensure a secure and secret vote that meets the standards of the CUPE Constitution. As a result next weeks meetings will take place using a different virtual meeting software called Motion Meetings.

All members who have signed up for the union e-mail list will receive a unique link to join the meeting. Simply click the link and you will join the meeting in your web-browser. No downloads necessary.

Early next week please check your Junk and Spam folders if you have not received an email from “noreply@motionmeetings.co” with your unique link to join the meeting.

Reach out to okeresztesi@cupe.ca if you do not receive a link.

Part-Time and Casual Service Workers: Tuesday March 12, 4-5pm

Your unique link to join will be emailed to the email address you used to sign-up for the union’s email list. The email with the link will come from “noreply@motionmeetings.co

Clerical Workers: Wednesday March 13, 12-1pm.

Your unique link to join will be emailed to the email address you used to sign-up for the union’s email list. The email with the link will come from “noreply@motionmeetings.co

Full-time Service Workers: Wednesday March 13, 4-5pm

Your unique link to join will be emailed to the email address you used to sign-up for the union’s email list. The email with the link will come from “noreply@motionmeetings.co

These meetings will be virtual only.

To seek election to the bargaining committee you need to be present at your bargaining unit meeting noted above, or send an email to okeresztesi@cupe.ca before 8am on the day of the meeting with the subject line: Bargaining Committee.

CLICK HERE for more details. 

Bargaining Team Elections: March 12 and 13

Bargaining Team Elections: 

It’s time to elect your bargaining teams to bargain the local provisions of your collective agreements.

Your bargaining team members will be elected at special virtual bargaining unit meetings, on the following dates and times.

  • Part-Time and Casual Service Workers: Tuesday March 12, 4-5pm
  • Clerical Workers: Wednesday March 13, 12-1pm.
  • Full-time Service Workers: Wednesday March 13, 4-5pm

These meetings will be virtual only.

To be able to participate in choosing your bargaining committee you must make sure your personal e-mail address is on your union’s email list before 11:30am Monday March 11.  

To ensure your personal email is on the list fill out this form before the deadline: https://forms.office.com/r/QVJ7jFx66u

Your unique link to join will be emailed to the email address you used to sign-up for the union’s email list. The email with the link will come from “noreply@motionmeetings.co” Simply click the link and you will join the meeting in your web-browser. No downloads necessary.


Reach out to okeresztesi@cupe.ca if you have not received a link by 9pm on Monday March 11. Your email should include your first and last name, your personal email address, and whether you are FT, PT or casual, and whether you are a clerical worker or service worker.

How the committee members will be selected:

To seek election to the bargaining committee you need to be present at your bargaining unit meeting noted above, or send an email to okeresztesi@cupe.ca before 8am on the day of the meeting with the subject line: Bargaining Committee. 

Each bargaining committee will have 4 members and two alternates.

If there are more nominees that positions an election will take place during the meeting to select the committee members and alternates. Only members logged in to the meeting at the time voting takes place will be able to vote.


Bylaws section on Bargaining Committees:

“1) Bargaining Committee
i. There will be a bargaining committee for each bargaining unit.
ii. This will be a special committee established at least five (5) months prior to the expiry of the bargaining unit’s collective agreement and automatically disbanded when a new collective agreement has been signed.
iii. The function of each committee is to consult the membership by survey, prepare collective bargaining proposals and to negotiate a collective agreement.
iv. Each committee shall consist of the President, another Executive Board member selected by the Executive Board, and 4 other members elected at a Bargaining Unit Meeting for each bargaining unit. Two alternates will be elected for each committee to fill any vacancies, and will participate with voice but no vote in all preparation meetings, and will be kept up to date on all negotiation meetings with the employer.
v. The National Representative assigned to the Local Union shall be a non-voting member of each committee and shall be consulted at all stages from formulating proposals, through negotiations, to contract ratification by the membership.
vi. All committee members including alternates shall attend CUPE’s training for Bargaining”

Auditor’s Report: Special Membership Meeting Thursday, March 7

Notice of Special Membership Meeting of CUPE Local 3651

Date:         Thursday, March 7, 2024

Time:         3:30 PM to 5:30 PM

Location: Health Services Building – Auditorium A and B

In-Person and Virtual Meeting

 A membership meeting will be held at the above date/time. Pizza will be served.

The purpose of the meeting will be to receive the auditor’s report.

You can join the meeting virtually using the following link: http://tinyurl.com/March7sgmm

You can also listen by dialing in with the following information, but will not be able to fully participate if you have dialed in.

Dial: 647 374 4685

Meeting ID: 862 0504 1599




CUPE is applying for an extension of the Administration

Please download the Notice of Extension Application here to read it in full:

The notice provides the reasons for the extension, a proposed timeline for the additional year, and instructions on how to submit comments in support or opposition to the extension.

CUPE put Local 3651 under Administration on April 5, 2023.

When an Administration will last more than a year CUPE must apply to the Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB) for approval.

Note: ‘Trusteeship’ and ‘Administration’ are synonyms in this context. The CUPE Constitution uses the term ‘Administration.’ The OLRB uses the term ‘Trusteeship.’

The OLRB typically grants extensions in 1-year increments. As a result the application requests an additional year.  A one year extension will ensure there is time to complete the remaining work of the Administration, outlined in the Notice linked to above, without burdening the OLRB with multiple extension requests. Should the good governance goals outlined in the application be reached earlier than anticipated in the timeline, the Administrator will recommend that CUPE lift the Administration.

If you have any questions reach out to me at okeresztesi@cupe.ca

All the best,


Orion Keresztesi

Administrator, CUPE Local 3651